The no-taste telephone takes off

Obscenely rich? Questionable taste? Then maybe you’ll fancy the new Vertu Boucheron 150 – a mobile phone constructed from a block of solid gold. Despite the fact it took 1,000 man-hours to shape and 700 to polish, it still looks like something you’d pick up in the back of the News of the World for 30 quid. The rumoured real cost is around $30,000. More here at Endgadget.

Obscenely rich? Questionable taste? Then maybe you’ll fancy the new Vertu Boucheron 150 – a mobile phone constructed from a block of solid gold. Despite the fact it took 1,000 man-hours to shape and 700 to polish, it still looks like something you’d pick up in the back of the News of the World for 30 quid. The rumoured real cost is around $30,000. More here at Endgadget.
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