Snowing in London and the time is right to take pretentious, slightly sub-standard photographs with my new camera

Piccadilly, W1

St Pancras station looking like the Kremlin in Moscow

A bike looking like a bike. But with snow on it

A statue at St Pancras church

Four statues at St Pancras church. Obviously

Albermale St, W1

Green Park 6pm. And no, I’m not following you

And this is where I stay, eh? Ha ha… I said, this is where… oh alright then
Piccadilly, W1
St Pancras station looking like the Kremlin in Moscow
A bike looking like a bike. But with snow on it
A statue at St Pancras church
Four statues at St Pancras church. Obviously
Albermale St, W1
Green Park 6pm. And no, I’m not following you
And this is where I stay, eh? Ha ha… I said, this is where… oh alright then
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