Tilt-shift pictures of London… and an amazing video of Swiss railways

I’m a bit obsessed with tilt-shift photography at the moment, the technique that makes everything you take a picture of look like it’s a little toy model.
I’m not quite sure how one would go about making these images – though I note the latest issue of Smug Mac User Weekly tells you how in Google’s Picasa program – but the results make even the most earth-shattering moments look tiny and insignificant.

The pictures of London here come courtesy of Toby Allen and the Daily Telegraph. But it seems that the tilt-shift craze has now gone over to video…
The film is taken from this Vimeo link at geeksaresexy.net, which says it‘s…
Brilliant stuff.

I’m a bit obsessed with tilt-shift photography at the moment, the technique that makes everything you take a picture of look like it’s a little toy model.
I’m not quite sure how one would go about making these images – though I note the latest issue of Smug Mac User Weekly tells you how in Google’s Picasa program – but the results make even the most earth-shattering moments look tiny and insignificant.

The pictures of London here come courtesy of Toby Allen and the Daily Telegraph. But it seems that the tilt-shift craze has now gone over to video…
gottardo nord from fb1 visuals on Vimeo.
The film is taken from this Vimeo link at geeksaresexy.net, which says it‘s…
… an absolutely stunning tilt-shift video of various trains passing through the Swiss villages of Sisikon and Göschenen. This project was filmed by Andi Leemann and Jeri Peier using two EOS 5D Mark II cameras, a Canon 90mm TS-E f/2.8 and a Canon TS-E 24mm f/3.5 combined with a 1.4x converter.
Brilliant stuff.
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