Why the British are getting summer right…

Chinos with pumps*. Yay!
Men finally working out that a pair of nice shorts, a polo top and some sandals/boat shoes/pumps looks absolutely ace
Less blokes wearing brown. Did see one lad in town today, though, with muddy-grey jeans and a brown ill-fitting T-shirt on. But he was the exception, not the rule. The last people who pulled off brown were The Sweeney
The return of comabt shorts – but this time slimmer, with less sticky-out pockets. The scally take on preppy means a Stone Island/80s Casuals tee, combats and a pair of retro-looking Adidas. The wearing of black socks with white Stan Smiths is thankfully dying out (I’m looking at Liverpool’s youth, here)
Loads and loads of smashing women walking about in what can only be described as ‘pretty’ dresses. This makes me – and lots of other chaps – happy.
* Yeah, I’m aware they’re mine, but you know, still…
Chinos with pumps*. Yay!
Men finally working out that a pair of nice shorts, a polo top and some sandals/boat shoes/pumps looks absolutely ace
Less blokes wearing brown. Did see one lad in town today, though, with muddy-grey jeans and a brown ill-fitting T-shirt on. But he was the exception, not the rule. The last people who pulled off brown were The Sweeney
The return of comabt shorts – but this time slimmer, with less sticky-out pockets. The scally take on preppy means a Stone Island/80s Casuals tee, combats and a pair of retro-looking Adidas. The wearing of black socks with white Stan Smiths is thankfully dying out (I’m looking at Liverpool’s youth, here)
Loads and loads of smashing women walking about in what can only be described as ‘pretty’ dresses. This makes me – and lots of other chaps – happy.
* Yeah, I’m aware they’re mine, but you know, still…
"Scally Preppy" - I like it. It will look like Take Ivy on The Kop.