Last night they showed smug 90s laywer comedy, This Life on the telly. I'd just moved to London at the time and the amount of twats who would come up with the old 'Hey, aren't they like us' spiel down the pub was embarrassing. What they meant was: 'Oh good, there's a programme about the sort of people I'd like to be if I wasn't a brain dead, Home Counties trog with absolutely nothing of any interest to say.' These people are now in high up positions in TV and radio.

I always hated the baby boomers and their bollocks about the 60s and 60s, but my lot are just as bad. If it's not Grange Hill, space hoppers or phoney breakdancing memories then it's fluffy haired lawyers called Miles and uptight mummy's girls who cop off with Sven Goran Erikkson-loolkalikes in the office. Made up when that Egg beaut lost his job, the scruffy bastard.

Next month: Channel 4 start re-runs of the 11 o Clock Show.


  1. Anonymous10:48 am

    Hi I was loo9ing over you blog and It's not what I was looking for, what I was looking for were picture of barley legal russian boys inserting root vegetables into their manginas.
    Oh well, I'll keep trying.


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