Awaydays: out this weekend

If you’ve read Kevin Sampson’s Awaydays book you’ll know just how influential Merseyside’s young dressers were on the rest of the country in the late 1970s. If you haven’t, then it is your solemn duty to drag your (probably unwilling) girlfriend along to the local cinema to see the film version and learn a bit of fashion history. Even if you have no interest in groups of young men hitting each other on the streets of depressing northern towns, only the most garment-illiterate grock could not gain pleasure from the sight of said youths swanning about in Adidas Forest Hills, Lois jeans and Peter Storm cagoules.
“Bliss was it to be alive that dawn, but to be young, with a Stanley in your hand, chasing a load of cavemen from Crewe, well that was very heaven.”

If you’ve read Kevin Sampson’s Awaydays book you’ll know just how influential Merseyside’s young dressers were on the rest of the country in the late 1970s. If you haven’t, then it is your solemn duty to drag your (probably unwilling) girlfriend along to the local cinema to see the film version and learn a bit of fashion history. Even if you have no interest in groups of young men hitting each other on the streets of depressing northern towns, only the most garment-illiterate grock could not gain pleasure from the sight of said youths swanning about in Adidas Forest Hills, Lois jeans and Peter Storm cagoules.
“Bliss was it to be alive that dawn, but to be young, with a Stanley in your hand, chasing a load of cavemen from Crewe, well that was very heaven.”
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