Gitman: great American shirts

I’m going on holiday to Majorca for a week today, but thanks to the marvels of half-working wi-fi systems in pretentious hotels I’ll still be able to post my nonsense from there. In the meantime – and while I should be concentrating on actually getting my case packed – I just had to put these great shirts from Gitman up. Alright, I didn’t have to, but you know, when the sun’s out and the boat shoes are in the case, thoughts do turn to those Ivy League essentials. If only I was going to Cape Cod.

Tip: h(y)r collective

I’m going on holiday to Majorca for a week today, but thanks to the marvels of half-working wi-fi systems in pretentious hotels I’ll still be able to post my nonsense from there. In the meantime – and while I should be concentrating on actually getting my case packed – I just had to put these great shirts from Gitman up. Alright, I didn’t have to, but you know, when the sun’s out and the boat shoes are in the case, thoughts do turn to those Ivy League essentials. If only I was going to Cape Cod.

Tip: h(y)r collective
Are you going on holiday to Essex?