I'd like to think that my weblog will become a forum for debate, where artists, writers, musicians and other creative people can meet to share ideas. I'd like to think that, but that would be wrong. I reckon the ony people who'll bother looking at my nonsense will be the assorted losers, beauts and whoppers who already pollute my life. Great.


  1. Anonymous10:05 pm

    you might have a point, anthony. but, hey, at least those assorted losers think you're skill.

  2. the whole point of keeping a blog, in my experience, is so that hideous losers you hadn't yet had the misfortune to meet can come and irritate the hell out of you instead. like this. still, at least I'm a real live Reader and not someone you know already.

  3. Anonymous12:51 pm

    I am a beaut and a loser. I may also be a trog.

    I love you.


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