Bloke and Coke on Twitter!

As if.

However, it seems that more and more people are jumping on the ba… sorry, immersing themselves in this unique form of communication, which means that if this site is to retain its cool I’m going to have get “tweeting”. Obviously, this involves writing about sickening banalities every ten minutes – something that seems far too much like hard work for me. Instead, I’m going to pen a few of my own ready-made “tweets”, which can be referenced should any B&C readers feel the need to see how I’m feeling on like, a minute-by-minute basis. Here goes:

In Starbucks. Thinking about World War II. Skinny latte and the SS? Where’s Chris Evans?

There seems to be warm, glowing, round thing in the sky. What could it be? AIDS?

Ben Stiller has just walked into the Groucho. Oliver Stone yet to appear. George Roper?

Waiting for a package. Sadly, not of expensive clothes, but conkers and hazelnuts. George W. Bush: is this YOUR fault?

The iPhone App Store has just started selling biscuits. Next: weddings and dog food? Or instant 9/11?

My girlfriend is a washing machine. Yours isn’t. Coincidence? Digg that, Blair!


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